Monday, 25 May 2015

Marti Whitman on safe and cheap for stocks

I took a week off to refresh myself and complete reading "The Aggressive Conservative Investor" by Martin Whitman.

For Marti Whitman buying stocks is all about "safe and cheap". The simplest of investment approach over the long term works like a charm just like it is for Warren Buffett whose mantra is "buy and hold".

What will be your investment approach?

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Saturday, 9 May 2015

Top Ten Investor Mistakes

There is no investor that is immune from making mistakes. The greatest of them all make mistakes from time to time. It's surely ain't no feather in a cap, but then again it all depends on how the mistake is viewed by the investor.

Some years ago, the CFA Institute cited the top ten mistakes investors made were;

  1. No strategy
  2. Too little diversity
  3. Buying too high
  4. Churning (frequent portfolio turnover)
  5. Acting on tips
  6. Paying too much
  7. Making decisions based on taxes
  8. Unrealistic expectations
  9. Portfolio neglect
  10. Not knowing your real tolerance
Focus InSight: Avoid these mistakes and with time your investment return will be great.
Stock Chart
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Saturday, 2 May 2015

Wanna be Rich?

Forbes 400 Richest list is a good place to start looking if you wanna be rich. To be rich requires a sacrifice of some kind or another. Most pursuit to be rich will hinge on one or all of these sacrifices beit time, money, family or relationship.

No matter how you intend to be rich, you will need:

  1. Time, anywhere from 15 to 20 years
  2. Money, at least a little to start
  3. Family, someone to go home to after a day's grind and
  4. Relationship, with a person, a group, a community, an industry or an idea.
Warren Buffett's ideas were; 
  1. "buy and hold", 
  2. "don't lose money",
  3. "don't pay a dividend"
  4. compound the return on the investible dollar
  5. find the economic moat in the business
  6. be patient
  7. limit the mistakes you make
  8. copy cat good practice
  9. avoid the union base business and
  10. only trust yourself

Focus InSight: Study the habits of the rich and copy the good practice that made them successful.

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