I would suggest that a bearish market begets a "bearish" investor. This is the time for the bearish investor to make a move on strong companies at depressed prices with value at the front of his mind.
During a bear market it is the enduring companies that should catch your eyes. Men will still want to shave and drink beer, so the economy will not die. The suppliers of the essential products will not disappear overnight, and while it will not be business as usual it will be business by all means necessary. Big business have to survive like a bear in the salmon season.
An investment checklist is important to assist in the deployment of the bearish investor's capital.
The Bearish Investor Checklist
- A company with a strong balance sheet is a start
- A company with enduring leadership in its industry
- A company that is isolated from the antics of wall street
- A company that is constantly growing shareholder value and
- A company with honest stewardship.
Focus InSight: A bearish investor copies the ways of a bear in salmon season.
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